Digital Health Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Portugal

Digital Health Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Portugal

1. Digital Health

1.1        What is the general definition of “digital health” in your jurisdiction?

Portuguese law does not provide a specific definition of “digital health”.  Regulations for digital health matters – understood as the provision of healthcare using digital resources – are usually associated with the laws and regulations on medical devices and statutes and/or professional ethics codes of the relevant professional associations.

1.2        What are the key emerging digital health technologies in your jurisdiction?

1. Telemedicine

Telemedicine has reached in the last years a prominence that had never been seen before, although it is not new in Portugal.  In 2006, an attempt was made to regulate teleconsultations by defining the concept and establishing the price list for telemedicine services in Serviço Nacional de Saúde (“SNS”).  The pandemic period has clearly evidenced the advantages of telemedicine: greater efficiency; reduction of financial costs; and better access to health services.

2. Medical software

Medical software has come to stay and is progressively being used in healthcare to help doctors to make clinical decisions and establish and develop therapeutic programs.

3. Health apps

Health-related apps are becoming increasingly widespread in society and have a very important role in increasing health literacy and raising awareness of healthy lifestyles.  Several entities – both public and private – made available tailor-made apps allowing access to digital health services on mobile devices, including teleconsultation, medicines history, prescriptions, therapeutic programs and monitoring of health parameters.

4. Wearables

Portugal has seen exponential growth in the use of wearables in recent years.  Those products are also very relevant from a digital health point of view.  These devices often include heart-rate sensors, fitness trackers, sweat meters and oximeters.  It is highly expected that wearables will become increasingly important in the coming years.

1.3        What are the core legal issues in digital health for your jurisdiction?

The main issues are related to safety, privacy, information security and personal data protection.  The use of digital health devices can lead to self-diagnosis and self-medication by users who do not have the necessary knowledge to decide the treatment for their putative illness.

For matters relating to privacy, information security and data protection, please see section 4 below.

1.4        What is the digital health market size for your jurisdiction?

Despite having no official data on this matter, some projections to the future of digital health in Portugal point to a marker evaluated up to €470 million by 2027.

1.5        What are the five largest (by revenue) digital health companies in your jurisdiction?

This information is not publicly available, even though some important companies are operating in Portugal in the digital health market.

2. Regulatory

2.1        What are the core healthcare regulatory schemes related to digital health in your jurisdiction?

The legal framework arises from Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on medical devices (“MDR”) and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (“MDIVR”).  There are also the regulations of professional associations addressing professional ethics issues.

2.2        What other core regulatory schemes (e.g., data privacy, anti-kickback, national security, etc.) apply to digital health in your jurisdiction?

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
  • Decree-Law 7/2004 of 7 January on the legal framework for electronic commerce.
  • Decree-Law 383/89 of 6 November on liability for defective products.
  • Decree-Law 145/2009 of 17 June on the national provisions applicable to the advertisement of medical devices and governing the relationship between healthcare providers and medical device manufacturers.

2.3        What regulatory schemes apply to consumer healthcare devices or software in particular?

Apart from the Regulations on medical devices and in-vitro medical devices, the following consumer protection laws are applicable:

  • Law 24/96 of 31 July, the Portuguese Consumer Protection.
  • Decree-Law 57/2008 of 26 March on Unfair Commercial Practices.
  • Decree-Law 330/90 of 23 October, the Portuguese Advertising Code.
  • Decree-Law 69/2005 of 17 March on the General Product Safety Law, transposing Directive 2001/95/EC into Portuguese law.

2.4        What are the principal regulatory authorities charged with enforcing the regulatory schemes?  What is the scope of their respective jurisdictions?

  • The Ministry of Health, as responsible for the definition of the national health policy and for the SNS.
  • Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (“ERS”), which supervises all entities providing healthcare services, except pharmacies.
  • Infarmed – Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde I.P., the regulatory body supervising medicines and health products (“Infarmed”).
  • Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (“CNPD”), the Portuguese Data Protection Agency.

2.5        What are the key areas of enforcement when it comes to digital health?

  • ERS ensures that healthcare providers comply with the requirements for engaging in licensed activities.
  • Infarmed supervises the placing of medicines and medical devices on the market, and it enforces conformity with the applicable laws and regulations.
  • CNPD, if processing of personal data is required.

2.6        What regulations apply to software as a medical device and its approval for clinical use?

Software classified as a medical device is subject to the MDR or MDIVR, as applicable.

From a domestic law point of view:

  1. Decree-Law 145/2009 of 17 June, without prejudice to the MDR.
  2. Decree-Law 189/2000 of 12 August on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices, without prejudice to the MDIVR.

2.7        What regulations apply to artificial intelligence/machine learning powered digital health devices or software solutions and their approval for clinical use?

There is currently no specific legislation regarding artificial intelligence (“AI”) in digital health devices.  There is a proposal from the European Commission to harmonise the legislation on AI in the Member States currently under discussion.

3. Digital Health Technologies

3.1        What are the core legal or regulatory issues that apply to the following digital health technologies?

  • Telemedicine/Virtual Care: Legal and regulatory challenges in telemedicine and virtual care are mostly related with privacy and data protection.The inclusion of digital health implies the redesign of working processes, as well as the integration of new technological systems with existing ones, which also implies adapting several regulations applicable to such activities.The confidentiality and security of patients and health professionals must be preserved, with the respective legal challenges, mainly from privacy and data protection points of view.
  • Robotics: The use of robotics in healthcare must ensure the safety of patients and the quality of the healthcare provided.  Questions regarding liability for accidents and/or medical negligence can also arise.The risk of technical errors and failures is also significant when it comes to the use of robotics, being necessary to clarify the legal and regulatory framework applicable to those matters.
  • Wearables: Qualification and the requirements to put them on the market are probably the most important issues regarding wearables and mobile apps.  Qualification as a medical device is highly important considering that the requirements for the placement on the market differ significantly.  As the line between medical devices and non-medical or fitness apps is thin, it is important to ensure the safety of the users without harming the innovation and development of new technological solutions. Those technologies can also induce misdiagnosis by users, with the associated danger to the health and safety of the patients. Additionally, there are also legal challenges regarding the security of patient data and privacy, namely from the data protection point of view.
  • Virtual Assistants (e.g. Alexa): The safety and the possible illegal practice of health procedures by unqualified “entities” is a very significant risk when it comes to virtual assistants in healthcare.  It would be important to evaluate whether virtual assistants might breach the applicable laws and regulations in what relates to healthcare providers.
  • Mobile Apps: Please see “Wearables” above.
  • Software as a Medical Device: Software can induce overconfidence in patients with the information provided, which may be subject to errors.  The qualification of software as a medical device is complex, as it depends primarily on the purpose attributed by the manufacturer.  As such, it is essential to ensure that the use of software as a medical device is properly supervised by a healthcare professional to avoid risks and misinterpretation of results.  The problem of qualification of the healthcare services providers is also present in this field.
  • Clinical Decision Support Software: As support software, this kind of tool should be used to support decision-making by healthcare professionals and not as the final decision-maker.  Healthcare professionals should critically analyse the results of software and evaluate whether the suggested decision is correct and suitable for the specific pathology. If not, technical errors can compromise the result and the health and safety of the patient.  This could then lead to an error in the final diagnosis or in the choice of the most suitable treatment, with legal consequences.
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Powered Digital Health Solutions: As a technology based on algorithms, it is essential that the algorithm is tested to be fully reliable and safe.  A validation system would be essential to ensure the safety and the suitability of those systems.  Healthcare professionals must be specifically trained and educated to apply those technologies to their healthcare activities. Another issue is the trust of the patients in those tools.  It is necessary to provide accurate information on the benefits of AI in healthcare, and to adopt a fully transparent policy and communicate all the risks involved. Inappropriate use of these tools can also lead to responsibility to the relevant players.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) and Connected Devices: Privacy and safety of patients are the central topics.  There is a risk of cyber-attacks that compromise the privacy and safety of the patients and of a lack of trust in the results obtained by those tools.
  • 3D Printing/Bioprinting: Quality, safety and suitability of these products are the main concerns regarding 3D printing and bioprinting when applied in the field of healthcare, as well as qualification and certification of those products as medical devices.
  • Digital Therapeutics: There is a high risk regarding patient data, especially because it may involve very sensitive data, with the privacy and data protection associated concerns.
  • Digital Diagnostics: The main legal and regulatory issues applicable to digital diagnostics are misdiagnosis and the possibility of non-authorised entities providing healthcare services.
  • Electronic Medical Record Management Solutions: As in most technological systems applied to health, the major concerns are the privacy of data and possible data breaches, with the inherent legal and regulatory consequences.
  • Big Data Analytics: Legal and regulatory challenges are also mainly regarding privacy matters.  Using databases implies the use of personal data, which should be kept confidential under the applicable laws.  As such, the big risks associated with the use of big data analytics are the possibility of data breaches and the violation of privacy rights.
  • Blockchain-based Healthcare Data Sharing Solutions: As in other technology solutions, the prime challenges regarding blockchain-based healthcare data sharing solutions are related to privacy and safe access to the data.  Another sensitive aspect is the need to ensure that only permitted persons have access to the data.  Finally, due to the nature of this technology, it can be exposed to digital attacks by hackers, having as a consequence a possible data breach.  
  • Natural Language Processing: The main concerns are privacy and data protection and the capacity of the systems to correctly interpret messages which may lead to contradictory and meaningless communications.  In turn, this could cause the unreliability of the system and risk the safety of patients.

3.2        What are the key issues for digital platform providers?

The key issues for digital platform providers are the need to (i) ensure that no illegal content is transferred to the digital platform, (ii) ensure the safety of the patients’ data, (iii) ensure that the use of digital platforms is safe, efficient and improves the quality of the healthcare, (iv) design tools that enable a smooth transition to the use of digital platforms and, finally, (v) train and educate healthcare professionals to confidently use those digital tools in their practices.

4. Data Use

4.1        What are the key legal or regulatory issues to consider for use of personal data?

The processing of personal data must consider the nature of the data, as information that relates to an identified or identifiable person, the process of anonymisation, in compliance with the principle of storage limitation, the process of pseudonymisation, to enhance data protection and authentication procedures.  Article 9 of the GDPR prohibits the “processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation” (“Health Data”).

This prohibition may not apply under the exceptions in article 9(2), particularly when the data subject gives explicit consent, the processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject, or the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in public health.

The controller should comply with the duty of information as set forth in articles 12 to 14 of the GDPR.

4.2        How do such considerations change depending on the nature of the entities involved?

Pursuant to article 7 of the GDPR, when processing is based on consent, the controller must be able to demonstrate that the data subject has consented to the processing of their personal data.  The consent must be freely given, informed, specific and unambiguous, and the data subject must be able to withdraw it at any time. 

Public authorities may process health data when this processing is necessary for reasons of public safety, regardless of consent.  In these cases, the processing of health data must be properly justified to ensure the pursuit of a public interest that cannot otherwise be safeguarded.  The processing of health data must be carried out by a person bound by duties of confidentiality, and appropriate security measures must be guaranteed to safeguard the security of the information, as defined in Law 58/2019 of 8 August.

4.3        Which key regulatory requirements apply?

Article 5 of the GDPR sets out the principles governing the processing of personal data: lawfulness; fairness and transparency; purpose limitation; data minimisation; data accuracy; storage limitation; integrity; and confidentiality.  Exemptions or restrictions to these principles must be provided for by law, pursue a legitimate aim and be necessary and proportional.

Even in cases where the public interest allows for the processing of health data, confidentiality obligations, requirements of proportionality and appropriate security measures must be guaranteed. Access to personal data should be notified to the data subject.  Access may be processed on a need-to-know basis and made through electronic means, unless there is technical impossibility or under express instructions contrary from the data subject, if the processing is necessary for (i) preventive or occupational medicine, medical diagnosis, the provision of medical care or treatment, and (ii) reasons of public interest in public health.

4.4        Do the regulations define the scope of data use?

Law 12/2005 of 26 January (“Law 12/2005”) defines health information as all types of information directly or indirectly linked to the present or future health of a person, whether living or deceased, as well as their medical and family history.  Law 12/2005 stipulates that such information may only be used by the health system under the conditions expressed in the written authorisation of the data subject or their representative.  Access to health information can be provided for research purposes on the condition that it is anonymised.

Article 6 of Decree-Law 131/2014 of 29 August provides that the processing of genetic information and the creation of genetic databases are allowed exclusively for the provision of healthcare or health research, including epidemiological and population studies.

4.5        What are the key contractual considerations?

Pursuant to article 24 of the GDPR, the controller must implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure and to be able to demonstrate that processing is performed in accordance with this regulation.  Article 32 of the GDPR provides that such measures include (i) the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data, (ii) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services, (iii) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident, and (iv) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.  The controller and the processor should also take steps to ensure that any natural person acting under the authority of the controller or the processor who has access to personal data does not process them except on instructions from the controller.

4.6        What are the key legal issues in your jurisdiction with securing comprehensive rights to data that is used or collected?

When using or collecting personal data, it is vital that the data subject has the rights to be informed, to access the data, to rectify inaccurate data, to erase data, to be forgotten, to restrict the use of the data, to enjoy data portability and to object to the processing.  Law 12/2005 defines a genetic database as any record, whether computerised or not, which contains genetic information about a set of persons or families.  Regarding such databases, the law establishes that any person may request and have access to information about themselves contained in files containing personal data.

4.7        How are issues with data inaccuracy, bias and/or discrimination addressed by the regulatory authorities in your jurisdiction?

Under article 6(2) of Law 59/2019 of 8 August, profiling activities leading to discrimination of natural persons based on special categories of personal data, such as health data, should be prohibited.  Article 11 of Law 12/2005 establishes that (i) no one may be prejudiced in any way on the basis of a genetic disease or of their genetic heritage, (ii) no one may be discriminated against in any way on the basis of the results of a genetic test diagnostic, including for the purpose of obtaining or retaining employment, obtaining life and health insurance, access to education and for the purpose of adoption, (iii) no one may be discriminated against in any form, including in their right to medical and psychosocial follow-up and genetic counselling, for refusal to undergo a genetic test, and (iv) everyone is guaranteed equitable access to genetic counselling and genetic testing, with due safeguarding of the needs of the populations most severely affected by a given disease.

4.8        What are data-usage legal or regulatory issues that are unique to generative AI companies and how are those issues being addressed in your jurisdiction?

Generative AI companies require a robust data strategy used in the stages of the AI lifecycle, ensuring its quality for data-mining purposes, its sources and processing purposes.  These companies must provide clear information to stakeholders, including based on the reporting obligations of the Artificial Intelligence Act Proposal (“AIA”).  Generative AI companies must provide accountability mechanisms to promote the auditability of AI outputs and the responsibility of the various stakeholders for any damages caused due to errors and biases of the AI system, including the obligation to provide evidence to support or refute claims.

In 2019, the Portuguese Government published its AI Portugal 2030 Strategy with the aims of boosting innovation and investment in AI.  Decree-Law 67/2021 and Resolution 29/2020 of the Council of Ministers were enacted, establishing the legislative framework for Technological Free Zones (Zonas Livres Tecnológicas – “ZLTs”).  ZLTs are real-life geographical areas set up as regulatory sandboxes aimed at promoting and facilitating research, development and testing activities.

In 2022, the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa) published its Guide to ethical, transparent and responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Public Administration.  In 2023, the Ibero-American Network reuniting supervisory authorities from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries announced that it initiated a coordinated action in relation to ChatGPT.

Since the AIA is yet to be finalised, there have been no developments regarding its implementation in Portugal, particularly as to which national authority will be tasked with monitoring compliance with the AIA obligations or whether regulatory sandboxes will operate as part of the ZLT initiatives.

5. Data Sharing

5.1        What are the key issues to consider when sharing personal data?

GDPR provides for the free flow of data within the EU.  There are specific requirements regarding the transfer of personal data to third countries outside the EU and international organisations, such as adequacy decisions, standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules, certification mechanisms and codes of conduct.  The primary purpose of these requirements is to offer the same level of protection when the personal data of EU citizens is transferred abroad.

5.2        How do such considerations change depending on the nature of the entities involved?

Pursuant to Directive 2016/680, competent authorities may exchange personal data within the EU.  The exchange of personal data in these cases is neither restricted nor prohibited for data protection reasons.

5.3        Which key regulatory requirements apply when it comes to sharing data?

Articles 45 and 46 of GDPR provide for two ways of allowing the transfer of personal data to third countries and international organisations: an adequacy decision; or, in the absence of an adequacy decision, a controller or processor may transfer personal data by providing appropriate safeguards, including enforceable rights and legal remedies for the data subject.

5.4        Are there any governmental initiatives to establish standards for creating, maintaining and sharing healthcare data in your jurisdiction?

There are key governmental initiatives to establish standards for processing healthcare data in Portugal, namely:

  • Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde – “SPMS”) is responsible for developing and managing national health information systems and services.  SPMS has been working on various initiatives, such as creating a National Health Surveillance System (Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica) for health surveillance and epidemiological monitoring, contributing to public health initiatives and data sharing.
  • Electronic Health Record (Registo de Saúde Eletrónico), including the standardisation of healthcare data to ensure sharing and accessibility of patient information among citizens and healthcare professionals.
  • National Strategy for the Health Information Ecosystem (Enesis 2022) promotes access to health data portability and develops cross-border aspects.

5.5        What are the key issues to consider with respect to federated models of healthcare data sharing?

Federated models of healthcare data sharing provide a decentralised approach in which data is stored locally and aim to improve health research and clinical practice.  When implementing these models, it is important to consider (i) data privacy and security issues, namely integration of IT infrastructures and security policies across healthcare organisations is recommended; (ii) interoperability of healthcare data sharing, including the standardisation of data formats and systems; (iii) provide patients with clear consent mechanisms to determine who can access and share healthcare data; (iv) accountability and data scalability to keep up with the increasing volume and complexity of data; and (v) resource allocation in healthcare organisations, namely infrastructure, training and personnel with expertise in medical and data analytical fields.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1        What is the scope of patent protection for digital health technologies?

A patent confers to its owner the exclusive right to exploit an invention, and to prevent third parties from exploiting such invention without consent.

An invention may be defined, broadly, as a new way of doing something, or a technical solution to a problem in the field of technology.  Patent types may amount to a new product, may consist of a new process to obtain a new or an already known product, or to a new use/application of such product.

Patents shall be granted for inventions in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.

Although digital health technologies can incorporate different innovations, not all of them can be protected by a patent.  General patent exclusions exist, for example, with regard to the protection of software without technical character, or to methods for treatment of the human body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human body (this exclusion shall not apply to products for use in any of these methods).  On the other hand, in the digital health technologies sector, patents may (and are often) used to protect inventions relating to hardware, software components of digital health products with a technical effect, and methods and protocols used in digital health products.

6.2        What is the scope of copyright protection for digital health technologies?

In broad terms, copyright, referred to in Portugal as authors’ rights, grants protection over externalised expressive intellectual creations, designated as “works”, and covers artistic and literary works.

Originality and creativity are the general requirements for a work to be protected by copyright.  This means that the work must be the author’s own intellectual creation, and that at least some creative aspect is required.

Copyright protection is independent of the registration, disclosure, publication, use or exploitation of the protected work.

Under Decree-Law 252/94 of 20 October, computer programs with a creative character are entitled to protection analogous to that provided for literary works, that is, they are protected in their expression.  The protection of software by copyright in Portugal does not affect the freedom of the ideas and principles underlying any element of the program or its interoperability, such as logic, algorithms or programming language.

6.3        What is the scope of trade secret protection for digital health technologies?

Portuguese Industrial Property Code (“CPI”) provides that trade secrets are protected and that information will be considered as a trade secret if it meets the following requirements: (i) it is secret, in that it is not generally known or easily accessible to persons in the circles that normally deal with this type of information; (ii) it has commercial value by virtue of being secret; and (iii) it is subject to reasonable diligence in order to keep it secret.  Articles 314 and 315 of the CPI identify the acts that constitute a legal or illegal use, acquisition or disclosure of the trade secret.

6.4        What are the rules or laws that apply to or regulate academic technology transfers in your jurisdiction?

Pursuant to article 59 of the CPI, inventions made by employees or collaborators due to their research activities belong to the legal entity under whose statutory scope the research and development activities are carried out.

The inventor will reserve the right to participate in the economic benefits arising from the exploitation or transfer of the patent rights.

The terms of this participation and further issues regarding academic technology transfers are defined in the articles of association and the intellectual property regulations of the legal entity in question.

6.5        What is the scope of intellectual property protection for software as a medical device?

Under the CPI, software per se cannot be subject to patent protection.  However, patent protection may be granted to software which exhibits a technical effect.  The European Patent Office has held that computer software can be patented in certain circumstances: (i) when the software affects the execution of processes which take place outside the software or the computerised system; or (ii) when the software leads the computer/hardware to operate in a new manner.  Furthermore, software can be protected by copyright under Decree-Law 252/94 of 20 October, which grants software protection analogous to that conferred on literary works.

The source code of a piece of software may also be protected under the trade secrets rules provided that the necessary requirements are met.

6.6        Can an artificial intelligence device be named as an inventor of a patent in your jurisdiction?  Why or why not?

There are no specific rules on AI devices being named as inventors in Portugal.  When referencing the inventor and “his/her successors in title”, article 57 of the CPI appears to be construed around the concept of the inventor being a natural person.  Therefore, it seems to exclude legal persons and AI devices from being named as the inventor.

6.7        What are the core rules or laws related to government-funded inventions in your jurisdiction?

There are no specific rules on Government-funded inventions.  These are subject to the general principles of contractual freedom.  The parties can draft the terms of ownership of any IP right and, in the absence of such terms, any supplementary rules will apply.

7. Commercial Agreements

7.1        What considerations should parties consider when dealing with collaborative improvements?

There is no specific regulation on collaborative improvements in Portugal.  These collaborations are accepted depending on the organisations and professionals involved.  The regulatory and legal framework must be observed, particularly regarding interactions between healthcare companies or pharmaceutical industry companies and healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations or patient associations.  Under Portuguese law, an “interaction” includes granting benefits to any of the above professionals and organisations, supporting events, granting scholarships and any other interaction that results in the concession of a benefit.

7.2        What considerations should parties consider when dealing with agreements between healthcare and non-healthcare companies?

It is advisable for these agreements to be concluded in a written instrument where key issues are addressed.  Intellectual property rights, data protection and confidentiality are the main issues to be considered.  When concluding agreements with public healthcare entities, legal regulations should be considered to prevent distortions to competition and undue influence of healthcare professionals and organisations.

7.3        What considerations should parties consider when dealing with federated learning healthcare data sharing agreements between companies?

A federated learning (“FL”) model in healthcare data sharing agreements is pivotal in shaping healthcare data platforms and defining common standards.  Initiatives such as Gaia-X and funding through the Digital Europe Programme promote an open data infrastructure.

Moreover, FL enables machine learning at scale while preserving data privacy.  This approach allows models to learn from decentralised devices without transferring sensitive information, promoting robust algorithms with wider applicability.  Thus, FL fosters collaboration among competitive companies since they do not require the exposure of proprietary data.  One important initiative is the Mellody project aiming to deploy FL in drug discovery, where multiple life sciences companies collaborate, leveraging each other’s data to improve predictive models without compromising confidentiality and revealing their highly valuable in-house data.

While training algorithms collaboratively, FL healthcare data sharing agreements aim to bridge the gap between data governance, privacy and the advancement of AI-driven healthcare solutions.

7.4        What considerations should parties consider when dealing with the use of generative AI in the provisioning of digital health solutions?

Although there is no specific regulation to this effect, the use of AI must be guided by the respect for fundamental rights, guaranteeing a fair balance between the principles of security, transparency and responsibility, taking into account the circumstances of each specific case and establishing processes aimed at avoiding any prejudice and forms of discrimination, in accordance with the Portuguese Charter on Human Rights in the Digital Age (Law 27/2021, of 17 May).

In addition, decisions with a significant impact on the sphere of recipients that are taken using algorithms must be communicated to those concerned, and be subject to appeal, as well as audits, if necessary.

8. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

8.1        What is the role of machine learning in digital health?

As part of AI, machine learning can have a very important role in healthcare.  However, this role must respect the patient, his/her safety and privacy.

8.2        How is training data licensed?

Training data may fall under the scope of Decree-Law 122/2000 of 4 July, which incorporated into Portuguese law Directive 96/9/EC regarding the protection of database rights.  In such cases, the licensing of training data is subject to the general provisions regarding the licensing of intellectual property rights.  If it includes personal health data, the limitations imposed by the GDPR should also be considered in the context of licensing.

8.3        Who owns the intellectual property rights to algorithms that are improved by machine learning without active human involvement in the software development?

Pursuant to article 11 of the Portuguese Copyright and Related Rights Code, copyright belongs to the intellectual creator of the work, unless expressly provided otherwise.  To date, there are no specific rules for the intellectual property rights resulting from machine learning improvements.  Portuguese law does not recognise machine learning or AI as “authors” for copyright purposes.  In Portugal, the creation of intellectual works is strictly associated with human beings.

8.4        What commercial considerations apply to licensing data for use in machine learning?

If the licensed data consists of health data, the commercialisation of sensitive information must always comply with the GDPR rules, in particular, the ones in articles 7, 9 and 32.  Contractual provisions regarding indemnifications and liability for the use of data in violation of the GDPR should also be implemented by the parties, as should the customary representations and warranties regarding the ownership of the rights over the licensed data.  Further issues regarding the definition of ownership of rights relating to that data should also be considered, including the ownership of any future works based on the licensed data, and the conditions and scope of use of that derivative data.

9. Liability

9.1        What theories of liability apply to adverse outcomes in digital health solutions?

Depending on the specific service provided, contractual liability may be applicable.  This liability is governed by the law chosen by the parties in the contract or the law where the service is provided.

Non-contractual civil liability may be applicable if the legal criteria are met.  Law 24/96 of 31 July establishes an objective liability of the manufacturer for any damage caused by defects in the product or service placed on the market.  Other bases of liability may be applicable depending on the nature of the event that led to the adverse outcome.

9.2        What cross-border considerations are there?

When it comes to liability in cross-border interactions, B2B relations must be distinguished from B2C relations:

  1. In B2C relations, the parties’ choice of the applicable law may not always be the prevalent criteria.  Under the Rome Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations (“Rome Convention”), other criteria may be adopted to determine the applicable law depending on the specific circumstances of the case.  In these cases, the parties may be able to choose the applicable law.  However, if mandatory provisions exist in the country where the consumer has their habitual residency, these provisions will prevail.  Under the Rome Convention, the applicable law is the law of the habitual residence of the consumer.  As regards non-contractual liability, the Rome Convention determines, as a rule, that the applicable law is the one of the countries where the damage occurs, regardless of where the event giving rise to the damage occurred and the country where the indirect consequences of that event occur.  However, there are other criteria depending on the specific circumstances of each case.
  2. In B2B relationships, under the Rome Convention, the law applicable to a non-contractual obligation arising from an infringement of an intellectual property right will be the law of the country where protection is claimed.  In the case of a non-contractual obligation arising from an infringement of a unitary EU intellectual property right, the applicable law will be the law of the country where the infringement was committed, except for questions that are not governed by any relevant EU instrument.

9.3        What are best practices to minimise liability risks posed by the use of generative AI in the provisioning of digital health solutions?

Several measures should be taken to minimise the risk to patients:

  • Development of a code of ethics for healthcare providers.
  • Provision of training on how to use and develop AI systems for all healthcare providers.
  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations, addressing patients’ privacy concerns.
  • Use of high-quality datasets and representative databases, ensuring the AI system does not discriminate against individuals or groups.
  • Establishment of quality-control oversight and inspections.

10. General

10.1      What are the key issues in Cloud-based services for digital health?

Issues raised by Cloud-based services relate mainly to data protection, data transmission and privacy.  It is essential to be aware that data treatment and data transfer by Cloud service providers raise additional legal issues.

Healthcare organisations must ensure that their Cloud-based systems are reliable, robust and legally compliant.  The most frequent risks of Cloud computing are improper access, data leaks, data loss, power failures, loss of control over data and low security standards.  Many of these risks are caused by configuration errors, lack of security updates, insufficient data governance and weak defence mechanisms.

10.2      What are the key issues that non-healthcare companies should consider before entering today’s digital healthcare market?

The healthcare sector is a heavily regulated sector.  EU instruments and national laws establish a framework that must be properly acknowledged by any company before entering the market.  Other issues may be raised, particularly regarding intellectual property and data protection.

10.3      What are the key issues that venture capital and private equity firms should consider before investing in digital healthcare ventures?

Considering the level of regulation of the health sector, the compliance check is one of the most important requirements any firm should consider when approaching a target firm.  The position of the target company in the relevant market, manufacturing costs and distribution channels, intellectual property rights and commercial agreements are key issues to check when entering the market.  Possible partnerships with governments in countries with public health systems as well as reimbursement agreements are also important issues that must be addressed before investing in a digital healthcare venture.

10.4      What are the key barrier(s) holding back widespread clinical adoption of digital health solutions in your jurisdiction?

The key barriers are the legal frameworks, the lack of investment from governments in digital health technologies and the lack of adequate regulation regarding some specific technologies.

10.5      What are the key clinician certification bodies (e.g., American College of Radiology, etc.) in your jurisdiction that influence the clinical adoption of digital health solutions?

Public entities such as the Central Administration of the Health Services, Health Authorities or the Shared Services of the Health Ministry perform an important role in this field.  Depending on the type of technology, associations representing manufacturers and other stakeholders can influence clinical adoption of digital health solutions.  Associations such as the Portuguese Association of Medical Devices, Portuguese Association of Health Engineering and Management and the Portuguese Telemedicine Association may be able to influence such decisions.  Professional associations that regulate healthcare professions are also able to influence the clinical adoption of health solution from the perspective of the healthcare professionals.

10.6      Are patients who utilise digital health solutions reimbursed by the government or private insurers in your jurisdiction?  If so, does a digital health solution provider need to comply with any formal certification, registration or other requirements in order to be reimbursed?

Reimbursements by the Government depend on the product itself and are subject to specific regulation.  Requirements for reimbursement are settled by law or administrative order.  Solutions focused on efficiency are more likely to be subject to reimbursement rather than solutions focused on preventive health.  Reimbursements by private insurers depend on the type of technology and the insurance policy.

10.7      Describe any other issues not considered above that may be worthy of note, together with any trends or likely future developments that may be of interest.

According to the Deloitte study “Shaping the future of European Healthcare” (2020), the current main challenges identified in the health digitalisation process in Portugal are bureaucracy, the choice of the most appropriate digital solution and training of healthcare workers.  Moreover, adjustments in the regulatory framework are said to be needed to increase patient confidence in the use of digital solutions in healthcare.  Inclusion of digital health in the education of healthcare professionals and patient literacy in digital health are also identified as key issues to be developed to allow the advancement of the digital transformation.

The Portuguese Government is engaged in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector and the Portuguese eHealth strategy has been referred to as exemplary by the WHO since 2015.

The Portuguese National Centre for Telehealth was launched in 2016 and was the first centre of this kind in the world.  Its mission is to facilitate citizens’ access to healthcare, ensure its fairness and increase the efficiency of national resources by taking advantage of ICT.  Furthermore, the National Strategic Telehealth Plan of 2019 demonstrates the engagement of the Portuguese Government in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector.

The National Strategy for the Health Information Ecosystem also performs an important role in fostering the digital transformation of the health sector in Portugal.  The COVID-19 pandemic allowed some barriers to be broken down as it created an environment that was even more receptive to the implementation of digital solutions in the health sector in Portugal.

It is also relevant to mention the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 131/2021 approving the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration 2021–2026 and the respective Transversal Action Plan for the legislature.  This plan is designed to upgrade services through digital technologies towards simplicity, integration, efficiency and transparency.  Six strategic lines can be outlined: 1) digital public services; 2) valuing data; 3) reference architectures; 4) ICT skills; 5) ICT infrastructures and services; and 6) security and trust.

Production Editor’s Note

This chapter has been written by a member of ICLG’s international panel of experts,
who has been exclusively appointed for this task as a leading professional in their field by Global Legal Group, ICLG’s publisher.
ICLG’s in-house editorial team carefully reviews and edits each chapter, updated annually, and audits each one for originality, relevance and style,
including anti-plagiarism and AI-detection tools.
This chapter was copy-edited by Maya Tyrrell, our in-house editor.


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