Disclosure of true medical information: the case of Bangladesh | BMC Medical Ethics
A key finding of this study is that clinicians did not disclose severe medical prognoses or information to patients diagnosed...
A key finding of this study is that clinicians did not disclose severe medical prognoses or information to patients diagnosed...
While considering their ethical perspectives towards euthanasia, participants weigh up various values related to and intertwining with the following levels:...
Concerns with access, use and controlAI have several unique characteristics compared with traditional health technologies. Notably, they can be prone...
The results describe the ethical approaches adopted by the participating scientists in relation to collecting, using, and sharing health data....
In this narrative review, without questioning the idea that properly informed patients should play a more active role in procedures...
Sample descriptionSeventy interviews were conducted for the broader project on MAiD decision-making: 31 with family caregivers; one with a patient;...
Ben-Moshe N. The truth behind conscientious objection in medicine. J Med Ethics. 2019;45(6):404–10. Google Scholar Walker RC, Tong A, Howard...